Electronic voting system
1. An electronic voting system is one or more integrated devices that utilize an electronic component for one or more of the following functions: ballot presentation, vote capture, vote recording, and tabulation. A DRE is a functionally and physically integrated electronic voting system which provides all four functions electronically in a single device. An optical scan (also known as Marksense) system where the voter marks a paper ballot with a marking instrument and then deposits the ballot in a tabulation device is partially electronic in that the paper ballot provides the presentation, vote capture and vote recording functions. An optical scan system employing a ballot marking device adds a second electronic component for ballot presentation and vote capture functions.
Source: Glossary of terms database, U.S. Election Assistance Commission, https://www.eac.gov/glossary/
2. One or more integrated devices that use an electronic component for one or more of the following functions: ballot presentation, vote capture, vote recording, and tabulation.
Source: US Election Assistance Commission Cyber Threats to Elections – A Lexicon, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, https://www.dni.gov/files/CTIIC/documents/CTIIC_2018_Lexicon_without_banner_small_file_for_Post.pdf